Make It Yours

We Don’t Just Want You To Come to “Our” Church. We Want You To Make It “Your” Church.

We believe serving at a church makes it 1000% better! Our heart is to see each person find their God given purpose and get connected and involved at Awaken Church in the process. We do this through a two step process with gatherings held for just 20 minutes following Sunday Service on the first and second Sunday of every month. Food and childcare are provided when you have completed registration for the event.


Week One

On the first week of the month, we host a Party with The Pastors. This is a time when Pastor Tyler and Kayla take a few minutes to tell you about the dream God put in their heart to start Awaken Church and explain our governance, denominational affiliation, and passion for reaching Bartow County.


Week Two

In the second week we turn our attention off of us and onto you. During this gathering you will find out about the various teams we have at Awaken and listen to the Holy Spirit as He gives you direction as to where your gifts might be most well suited. This is the week you become a part of the team at Awaken Church!

Become a Life-Giving Servant Leader